September 2021
Date | Title |
9/15/21 | Bipartisan bill offers green card path for ‘documented Dreamers’ |
9/15/21 | Congress pushes for a path to citizenship for ‘documented Dreamers.’ |
August 2021
Date | Title |
8/10/21 | Democrats call to include ‘documented Dreamers’ in reconciliation |
8/5/21 | ‘All eyes are on Congress’: Rep. Deborah Ross reflects on first six months |
July 2021
June 2021
Date | Title |
6/17/21 | In bi-partisan move, Reps. Hudson, Ross plead with EPA to do more about Gen-X in NC |
May 2021
Date | Title |
5/5/21 | US Congresswoman Writes To Joe Biden Over COVID-19 Situation In India |
April 2021
Date | Title |
4/30/21 | Pushing Biden’s jobs plan, Buttigeig and second gentleman visit Raleigh |