Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted against two Republican-led pieces of legislation that would fund anti-abortion centers with federal dollars and jeopardize pregnant students’ reproductive freedom.

H.R. 6914 would require institutions of higher education to distribute limited and even inaccurate resources to students about their existing rights should they choose to carry a pregnancy to term – while omitting information about abortion services or contraception and advancing anti-abortion rhetoric. Congresswoman Ross spoke against this harmful legislation on the House Floor, calling for real solutions to protect pregnant and parenting students.

Last year, Congresswoman Ross introduced legislation that would protect pregnant and parenting students by requiring the U.S. Department of Education to collect critical data on barriers to graduating college and find best practices for institutions of higher education to improve graduation rates among students who are parents or caregivers.

H.R. 6918 would divert federal funding to unregulated anti-abortion counseling centers, also known as crisis pregnancy centers, that deceive women. By masquerading as legitimate health care providers, crisis pregnancy centers lure in pregnant women and spread misinformation about abortion to coerce women into carrying pregnancies to term. These facilities have little oversight and are widely considered to be unethical by health care professionals and the American Medical Association.

“Instead of working with Democrats to address our many pressing challenges at home and abroad, House Republicans continue to push dangerous, anti-abortion legislation that does nothing to actually support women, students, and families,” said Congresswoman Deborah Ross. “Rather than addressing the struggles of families and young parents, including growing child care shortages or the lack of affordable housing, Republicans continue to show where their true priorities lie: controlling women and their bodies. These proposals represent the latest assault on women’s freedom and health care. I voted against these harmful bills and will continue fighting back against these threats to women’s reproductive freedom.”

H.R. 6914, the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, would:

  • Fail to improve Title IX or strengthen protections for pregnant and parenting students; and
  • Codify biased anti-abortion language, keeping young women from knowing the full ranges of options available to them if they become pregnant.

H.R. 6918, The Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act, would:

  • Prohibit restrictions on the use of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds towards anti-abortion counseling centers, also known as “crisis pregnancy centers;”
  • Prevent the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from ensuring that TANF funds are used consistent with federal law and the long-standing purposes set by Congress;
  • Target the proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families that aims to better regulate and clarify what programs can receive TANF funds.