Congresswoman Ross Votes Against Partisan NDAA Package

Republican package includes harmful anti-abortion amendments

July 14, 2023

Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted against House Republicans’ partisan National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) following passage of extreme amendments that restrict women’s access to reproductive health care, target LGBTQ+ service members, and more. Historically, consideration of the NDAA is a bipartisan process that unites members from both parties to support our military and strengthen our national security.

“It’s simply unacceptable that House Republicans have turned consideration of the NDAA into a partisan spectacle in an attempt to enact their extreme agenda,” said Congresswoman Ross. “Women in uniform put their lives on the line to defend our country and should have access to the comprehensive health care they need, which unequivocally includes access to abortion care. With military recruitment at a crossroads, Republicans are creating disincentives for more than half of the population to serve. Because I strongly support our service members and our Armed Forces, I could not vote for this extreme bill. The American people expect us to work across party lines to enact a bipartisan NDAA.”