Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted against House Republicans’ harmful Israel security supplemental package, which conditions aid to our long-standing ally and fails to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance to innocent people in Gaza, displaced Ukrainians, and millions globally who are affected by Putin’s brutal war. Conditioning aid to Israel marks an abrupt departure from the norm that Congress should never allow political gamesmanship to interfere with the provision of aid to our democratic allies.

In October, the Biden administration sent a supplemental funding request to Congress that would address the United States’ many national security priorities holistically. Not only would President Biden’s comprehensive plan provide critical security assistance to Israel, but it would also ensure our commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering as the Ukrainian people continue their brave fight for freedom. President Biden’s request also includes essential humanitarian aid for innocent people in harm’s way across the world, including in Gaza and Ukraine. According to the UN, more than 40% of Ukrainians are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance. 

H.R. 6126, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, only offers aid to Israel by rescinding over $14 billion in Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding, which is used by the agency to ensure wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share in taxes. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the proposal would increase the deficit by $12.5 billion and would result in nearly $27 billion in lost revenue.

“America’s bond with Israel is unbreakable,” said Congresswoman Ross. “However, this partisan package only delays aid to our allies and sends a dangerous message to our enemies – that political point-scoring is more important to Republicans in Congress than fulfilling America’s international commitments.

“President Biden and House Democrats have been clear – we are ready and willing to work on a bipartisan security package that addresses our many national security needs, including assistance to Israel and Ukraine. In stark contrast, Republicans have clearly decided to put their own partisan interests over the needs of our allies and the welfare of innocent civilians in Gaza and Ukraine. At a time when the world is counting on strong American leadership, Republicans are letting our allies down and sullying our country’s reputation.

“The American people expect more from their elected representatives. I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure Israel and our other allies get the security and humanitarian assistance they need.”