Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) issued the following statement after Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-04) failed to secure enough votes to be elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives:

“Congress has been at a complete standstill for 14 days because House Republicans can’t stop fighting with each other, can’t elect a Speaker, and can’t get on with the important work the American people sent us to Washington to accomplish. While Republicans endlessly bicker amongst themselves, wars are raging in Israel and Ukraine and another government funding deadline is rapidly approaching. At a time when strong American leadership is urgently needed, they are offering only chaos and dysfunction. 

“House Democrats remain ready to work with Republicans to form a bipartisan governing coalition and complete the work we were elected to do. Republicans had their chance to choose a Speaker, and both their candidates have now failed. Time is up. Republicans must stop these political games and do the right thing – work with Democrats and start delivering for the American people.”