Washington, D.C. Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) released the following statement on President Biden’s decision to advance offshore wind energy development off the coasts of southeastern states, including North Carolina:

“Today is a great day for North Carolina and for our country’s clean energy future. Offshore wind energy represents one of the single best solutions we have in our toolbox to fight climate change, meet our future energy needs, and create good-paying jobs. I applaud President Biden for outlining a bold plan to combat the climate crisis, including actions to boost the offshore wind energy industry in my home state. We can use the same wind that powered the Wright Brothers’ flight more than one hundred years ago to power homes, create jobs, and help save our planet. I look forward to continuing to work with partners at the federal, state, and local levels to establish North Carolina as a national leader in offshore wind energy development.  

“I will keep up my work here in Congress to support the offshore wind industry, but we cannot afford to wait.”
