Washington D.C.—This week, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted to pass two pieces of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that will lower prices for American families. The Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act passed today and is a package that will lower the high price of groceries, meat and poultry, and gas at the pump. Earlier this week, Congresswoman Ross also voted to pass the bipartisan Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which will reduce high fees charged by international shipping companies and prevent American-made goods from being left on the dock. Previously approved by the Senate, this legislation now heads to the President’s desk.

“North Carolinians continue to feel the pain of rising prices and many in our communities are now struggling to afford food, gas, and other household necessities,” said Congresswoman Ross. “This week, the House took decisive action to lower costs for the American people. I’m glad we could get this done, but the work does not stop here. We must continue to seek solutions to reduce the burden on families trying to make ends meet and small businesses fighting to keep their doors open.”

The Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act will:

  • Lower Food Prices in the Grocery Store – Russia and Ukraine are major global producers of key components of fertilizer, and Putin’s war has dramatically driven up the costs of fertilizer for American farmers, in turn, driving up prices in the grocery store. The Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act reduces the country’s dependence on foreign fertilizer production and includes bipartisan bills to help American farmers lower their costs with USDA funds as well as loan guarantees to pay for solutions.
  • Lower Meat & Poultry Costs – Anti-competitive practices by the major meatpacking conglomerates are driving up the price of meat and poultry.  The Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act strengthens competition in the meat and poultry sector and alleviates the supply chain bottlenecks that let meatpacking conglomerates set high prices.
  • Lower Gas Prices –American ethanol grown by American farmers is crucial to combat the rising price of gas caused by the war in Ukraine. Unleaded 88 or E-15 is typically a cleaner, cheaper fuel option that costs on average approximately 40 cents less per gallon, emits less carbon pollution, and burns cleaner than regular gas. The Lower Food & Fuel Costs Act expands access to Unleaded 88 and helps deploy storage and dispensing equipment for higher ethanol blends, biodiesel and sustainable aviation fuel.

The Ocean Shipping Reform Act will empower the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to strengthen oversight of the shipping market and lower costs for consumers. This legislation will boost funding for the FMC and implement several key measures, including:

  • Combating shipping costs by strengthening FMC enforcement action against exploitative business practices.
  • Ensuring fairness in shipping by improving transparency and prohibiting ocean carriers from refusing to transport American cargo.
