Raleigh, NC – Congresswoman Ross released the following statement on the terror attack at the Hamid Karzai International Airport yesterday:

“I am heartbroken by the tragic loss of so many lives in Afghanistan yesterday. I mourn our brave service members who stood fearlessly in harm’s way so that thousands of American citizens and our Afghan allies could be evacuated to safety here in the United States. We owe them – and all of our forces in Afghanistan – an immeasurable debt of gratitude. I join every American in praising the courage of the fallen, and I pray for the families of these brave American heroes.

“As President Biden assured the nation yesterday, our forces are committed to finishing the mission. Terrorist attacks will not deter them. Acts of senseless violence will only stiffen their resolve to get the job done. Even in this moment of great pain and loss, our mission and moral responsibility remain clear: We must bring home as many Americans and as many of our Afghan allies as possible. And we must hold the perpetrators of this horrific attack accountable for the death and destruction they inflicted.  

“My office continues to work with North Carolina families and NGO’s to help identify Afghans eligible for resettlement in the United States. I look forward to receiving additional briefings from the Biden administration and our military leaders on the situation in Kabul and remain deeply grateful for the service of the countless Americans working around the clock to safely evacuate our citizens and our Afghan partners.”
