Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted to establish a Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol. On May 19th, the House passed bipartisan legislation to establish a nonpartisan National Commission to investigate the attack; however, Senate Republicans blocked this bill from reaching the Senate floor. The Select Committee established by the legislation passed today will be comprised of 13 Members of Congress, five of whom will be appointed following consultation with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

“January 6th was a dark day for our democracy,” said Congresswoman Ross. “The certification of the presidential election was one of my first responsibilities as a new Member of Congress, and it was terrifying to see a violent mob, inflamed by lies and deceit, disrupt our efforts to carry out our constitutional duty. In the months since this attack, I have been heartened that many of my colleagues put aside partisan disagreements and come together to acknowledge the severity of this assault, an assault that led to multiple deaths and physical harm to more than 140 members of law enforcement. Congress has an obligation to investigate this attack, and today’s vote is an important step in our efforts to keep our nation secure and protect our democratic institutions.”    

The Select Committee will be tasked with investigating and reporting on the facts, circumstances, and causes relating to the January 6 attack on the Capitol Complex. The Committee will consider the organization and execution of the attack, law enforcement and military preparation and response, and other factors that contributed to this attack.
