Raleigh, N.C. – Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) announced the Member Designated Projects she submitted to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) for consideration in the 2021 surface transportation reauthorization bill. State Departments of Transportation (DOT), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), transit agencies, and local governments were eligible to submit these requests to their Members of Congress.

“There is urgent and widespread demand for transportation infrastructure and transit system improvements across North Carolina,” said Congresswoman Ross. “The projects I have submitted, if funded, would begin to address these needs, enhance safety and accessibility in our communities, and spur job creation. These projects would have significant benefits for Wake County, and I will do my all to ensure they receive full funding.” 

The T&I Committee process for considering Member Designated Projects is distinct from the House Committee on Appropriations’ process for considering FY22 Community Project Funding (CPF) requests, which will be announced separately in the near future. The T&I Committee plans to advance surface transportation authorization legislation later this year.  

According to T&I Committee guidance, Member Designated Projects are intended to be “projects that will help advance the goals of the surface transportation authorization legislation, which include building a safer transportation network, increasing access, strengthening our multi-modal transportation systems, reducing carbon pollution, enhancing environmental justice, supporting underserved communities, and improving state of good repair of our Nation’s infrastructure.” 

In compliance with House Rules and Committee requirements, Congresswoman Ross has no financial interest in any of the projects she has requested.  

Visit Congresswoman Ross’ website for a full list of the projects submitted for consideration to T&I for North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District.
