Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) voted to pass the historic Build Back Better Act, legislation that will make transformational investments to help North Carolina families, workers, and the next generation. To meet the needs of North Carolinians in the wake of the pandemic, this legislation will deliver affordable health care, child care, and home care; expand affordable housing and education; and launch the most significant effort to combat the climate crisis in American history.

“I have heard from countless constituents in Wake County about the daily challenges they face to make ends meet and about how our economy is no longer working for them,” said Congresswoman Ross. “I have heard from moms juggling child care and work; older Americans who need accessible home care; families struggling to afford quality health care; and young people who are worried about the climate crisis. With this legislation, we are making long overdue investments in our people for generations to come – investments in our children, parents, and grandparents.

“We are closing the Medicaid coverage gap for thousands of North Carolinians who have been living without health care. We are making child care more affordable and accessible. We are investing in clean energy and creating good paying jobs in North Carolina. Today’s vote represents extraordinary progress towards a future in which every person in this country can achieve the American Dream. I will keep fighting to get this once-in-a-generation legislation to President Biden’s desk.”

Congresswoman Ross highlighted the historic investments this legislation will make in North Carolina here. The Build Back Better Act includes the following investments in North Carolinians:

  • Child care: the average annual cost of a child care center for a toddler in North Carolina is $8,746. The Build Back Better Act will expand access for about 600,000 young children from ages 0-5 and ensure that no North Carolina working family pays more than seven percent of their income on child care.
  • Early education: only 30 percent of three- and four-year-olds in North Carolina have access to publicly funded pre-K, while the average cost of private pre-K in the state is $8,600. The Build Back Better Act will expand access to free, high-quality pre-K to more than 154,103 young North Carolinians -- setting these children up for lifelong success and saving their parents thousands of dollars.
  • Health care: by closing the Medicaid gap, expanding Medicare to include hearing care, and extending relief for insurance purchased through the ACA, the Build Back Better Act will help 388,000 North Carolinians gain coverage, including 212,000 people who fell into the Medicaid coverage gap – while also making home health care for elderly parents or loved ones with disabilities more affordable and accessible.
  • Child Tax Credit: before Democrats secured the expanded Biden Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan, 15 percent of North Carolina children lived in poverty. The Build Back Better Act extends this life-changing tax cut and continues our historic progress toward reducing child poverty.
  • Climate change: North Carolina has experienced 42 extreme weather events over the last decade, which have cost North Carolinians up to $50 billion. By reducing carbon pollution, bolstering community resilience, and strengthening the American clean energy economy, the Build Back Better Act will create good-paying jobs, advance environmental justice, and save North Carolina families the steep costs of recovery.
  • The Build Back Better Act also makes generational investments in higher education, workforce training, affordable housing, nutrition assistance, and more.
