Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to reject a challenge to mifepristone:

“Mifepristone was safe and effective when the FDA first approved it over two decades ago, and it has been safe and effective for the more than five million women who have used it for abortion and miscarriage care ever since,” said Congresswoman Ross. “In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court has rejected extremist, dangerous attacks on mifepristone and women’s access to this life-saving medication.

“However, this fight is far from over. The Supreme Court rejected this challenge based on a lack of standing, leaving the door open to future decisions on the merits. Women shouldn’t be forced to contend with relentless threats to their reproductive health care, and our courts should not be the final arbiter of access.

“This case should have been dismissed by the trial court. While there will undoubtedly be renewed attacks on mifepristone and women’s access to abortion in North Carolina and across the country, we will never give up in the fight to protect a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and her own health care.”

Following Judge Kacsmaryk's unprecedented mifepristone ruling out of Texas, Congresswoman Ross introduced the Fair Courts Act, legislation that makes it more difficult for litigants to seek out specific judges to guarantee their preferred outcome in a case.