Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) released the following statement on President Trump’s plan to sign an Executive Order to dismantle the Department of Education today:
“Today, Donald Trump will slash essential support for students, educators, parents, and schools in every single community in our country.
“Schools here in Wake County depend on resources from the Department of Education to assist students with disabilities and low-income students, ensure young children do not go hungry, and so much more. In addition, students at our world-leading colleges and universities in the Triangle depend on the Department to administer the student loan programs that make higher education affordable and their dreams for the future achievable.
“As the daughter of an early-childhood educator, I’ve seen firsthand how vital the Department of Education is to the success of our children and young people. Let’s be clear – the brunt of this decision will be borne by rural students, low-income students, and students with special-needs.
“Donald Trump does not have the authority to abolish a department established by Congress. My colleagues and I will fight this illegal action with everything we can. Our students are the future and they are counting on us.”