Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) hosted a renter-focused affordable housing roundtable at Dorcas Ministries with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development North Carolina office, the Raleigh Housing Authority (RHA), Wake County Department of Affordable Housing & Community Revitalization, and other state and local organizations.

This week, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced more than $137 million in grants for North Carolina for affordable housing, community development, and homeless assistance.

Image of Deborah Ross

In Wake County, 27% of households are categorized as cost-burdened, meaning they spend over 30% of their income on housing expenses, and a recent study found that 40% of renters believe they will never be able to purchase a home. In March, home prices in Wake County were up by 4.6% compared to last year. During the roundtable, participants discussed challenges and policy solutions related to the affordable housing crisis, including workforce housing, Second Chance programs, public-private partnerships, and the Section 8 backlog.

“The Triangle consistently ranks as one of the fastest growing regions in the country, but we need quality, affordable housing options so Wake County remains the best place in America to live and work,”  said Congresswoman Ross. “Investing in affordable housing creates stronger health and education outcomes, enhances economic stability, and bolsters public safety.” 

“I’m grateful to the leaders who joined me today. They underscored the urgent need to protect renters, expand affordable housing options, and ensure every Wake County resident has a place to call home. Since coming to Congress, I’ve been fighting to bring federal resources back to our community for affordable housing and will continue working in Washington for fair housing policies.”