Today, Congresswoman Deborah Ross (NC-02) released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled to temporarily allow abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho:

“Today, the Supreme Court has temporarily allowed women in Idaho to access emergency abortion services, upholding federal law” said Congresswoman Ross. “However, let’s be clear – this decision is a momentary reprieve, not a win. The Court didn’t rule on the legal questions underpinning this case – failing to protect women across the country who are living in states with restrictive abortion bans.

“Women in North Carolina and states across the country are terrified that they will be refused care because of extreme abortion bans. For decades, federal law has protected women’s right to receive emergency care—regardless of the type of care they require. There should be no question that these protections include abortion care.

“Due to the lack of clarity in this decision, we will undoubtedly face additional threats to women’s access to reproductive health care in emergency situations in the near future. I will continue fighting against extremist attacks on women’s health care and our ability to make decisions about our own bodies.”